Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Thank goodness ALL of your exams are over now!!!
Have a well deserved break and we'll see you all next year in 2010. Over the break I may add to this list of websites that will help you consolidate alot of the work we've coverd in Term 1. Most will be alot of fun.
Stay safe and be kind to your families.
Ms. Constable
P.S: I'm very excited about the holidays!!!!!
Friday, December 11, 2009
HOpe you're having a lovely weekend and not working too hard!! Sorry about having to leave early on Thursday but it was necessary to make sure my 6 month old daughter, Eva, was okay. She is now, thank goodness.
Thank you for thinking of me.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Goodluck with your Arabic and Islamic ones and make cure you're not staying up too late.
Just think, this will be how you feel when you finish them all http://animations.fg-a.com/FORWARD312k2.GIF http://www.freesmileys.org/smileys/smiley-dance001.gif
Here's that link to play with mosaics if you get a 10 minute break.
Monday, December 7, 2009
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Writing-Write a set of instructions - ' How to make a unicorn's breakfast'
-Learn to spell and use 'thoroughly' - mix thoroughly / clean thoroughly
-Number 'Super Duper Sausage' instructions and then highlight command verbs
Comprehension- 'Butterfly' sheet
Maths- Schofield tests 10+11
Try your best but don't work too hard. Get plenty of sleep before you come back to school!!
Have a great Eid. Eid Mubarak!
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Remember to do your revision homework tonight.
Maths- check over the test we sat today.
Comprehension- check your answers with someone at home. Sentences not necessary unless asked for in Qu.
Writing- read over 'cleaning' piece of writing. Consider what we spoke about this morning. Add a note/something important to remember, at the bottom- DON'T make it a step!! Use brackets for more information. Have you got any WOW words in to impress us?? Use connectives to tell us more about a step. E.g. After that, carefully place goggles over the unicorn's eyes so that soap won't irritate them. (Get a friend to help if this is difficult)
OPENER + time connective- After that
WOW word- irritate
description/adverb- carefully
PUNCTUATION- comma, apostrophe and brackets
Keep trying to do your best!!
Happy birthday to Bader and Dalal!!
Monday, November 23, 2009
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Saturday, November 21, 2009
I've been doing some reading this weekend and found out a few facts about the human brain along with some comparisons with other creatures. I'll probably share some thoughts from this over the next few weeks.
Did you know that the human brain has around one million million brain cells. Look at the number in digits: 1 000 000 000 000. WOW, that's a big number!! Don't worry this wont be in the exams!
In comparison a bee has less than 1 million. Bees can: fly, protect, fight, see, hear, smell, taste, touch, build, control temperature, count, navigate, walk, run, remember, play, nurture, reproduce and work constructively and co-operatively in a community.
That's pretty amazing that they can do all those things with less than a million brain cells. IMAGINE what we could do if we trained our brains well!!!!
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
WOW, what a great trip today!! Hope you all had fun. I'll try to post some pictures so you can download them at home if you want.
I hope noone is really sore after all that exercise!
Remember to tell you parents about Mufti Day on Thursday. You can wear your casual clothes if you donate KD 1/2 to Water Aid.
It's revision week next week. Notes will go home to your parents on Thursday outlining what we will be covering in the exams. No need to worry, just try your best.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
I hope you had a good weekend.
This weeks homework:
Sunday-spelling + reading (S+R)
Thursday- READ READ READ! Make or bake something with your parents- reading and being able to following instructions is really important.
TRIP- Tuesday morning to Flex gym. Please come in your P.E uniform and bring your lunch
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Also, READ READ READ! You get lots of ideas and new vocabulary from reading. TALK to someone about what you have read, it helps your comprehension and thinking skills.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Remember to bring your trip note and money tomorrow if you haven't already done so.
Goodluck practising for your tests tomorrow!!
Ms. C
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Term 1, Week 10, Monday
Talking homework- Discuss newspaper reports on pages 16+17 Literacy World. Read them again if you want to. Talk about report you are going to write tomorrow about the Toll's lawnmower being stolen. Who stole it? Where was it stolen from? How does Mr Toll, the owner, feel about it? Is there any evidence to say the billy goats did it?
Think about facts you could write and maybe quote someone. What WOW words could you use?
Week 10
All money raised will go to Water Aid.
HOMEWORK READING- your class reader and anything else you can find!
Spelling- looking at your word list once will not help everyone. Remember
you can get 2 house points if you know how to use the words
properly. Test on Thursday.
Maths- x6 and revise X2,3,4,5,10. Test on Thursday.
Monday, November 2, 2009
Two more nights to get your maths problems done.
Remember that on Wednesday we finish at 12noon. Remind your parents and drivers to pick you up on time.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Homework week9
Apart from your spelling list and learning the X6 tables, you have your timestables sheets to do. Make sure you complete both sides of the X6 sheet.
See you at school tomorrow.