Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Hi Everyone,
Thank goodness ALL of your exams are over now!!!
Have a well deserved break and we'll see you all next year in 2010. Over the break I may add to this list of websites that will help you consolidate alot of the work we've coverd in Term 1. Most will be alot of fun.

Stay safe and be kind to your families.

Ms. Constable

P.S: I'm very excited about the holidays!!!!!


Friday, December 11, 2009


Hi Everyone,
HOpe you're having a lovely weekend and not working too hard!! Sorry about having to leave early on Thursday but it was necessary to make sure my 6 month old daughter, Eva, was okay. She is now, thank goodness.
Thank you for thinking of me.

Thursday, December 10, 2009


Happy birthday to AbdulRahman and Abdulla B. Sorry we didn't get time to sing to you today. Ejoy your birthday and weekend, from all of us in 4C.


THANK GOODNESS OUR EXAMS ARE OVER!!!!!! http://www.freesmileys.org/smileys/smiley-sick014.gif
Goodluck with your Arabic and Islamic ones and make cure you're not staying up too late.
Just think, this will be how you feel when you finish them all http://animations.fg-a.com/FORWARD312k2.GIF http://www.freesmileys.org/smileys/smiley-dance001.gif
Here's that link to play with mosaics if you get a 10 minute break.


Monday, December 7, 2009


Almost there!
Keep working well and make sure you get plenty of rest! Too many in the class looked tired before we even started the exam this morning!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


Not long to go now!! Keep trying to do your best and get plenty of sleep.

Did you know the necessary brain foods are: Oxygen, Nutrition, Love and Information


Happy birthday to Abdulla B