Thursday, March 25, 2010


Well done to everyone for participating in our Year 4 walk-a-thon today. I hope you had a good time helping WaterAid.
It was great to see Mishref Park looking a bit tidier. I hope the cleaners there have been paid now. Thank you all for being thoughtful about where you put your own rubbish by using the bags and bins in the area.
Remember it's time to collect your sponsorship money now, show your sponsors your certificate to prove you've completed the walk.
Have a great weekend.
Love Ms. Constable

Monday, March 22, 2010


Hi Everyone,
Hope you are all practising hard for you Arabic and Islamic tests, I hope you do well in them.
Remember you have until Thursday morning to gather sponsors for the walk-a-thon.
On Thursday please do the following:
1. Wear your P.E uniform and comfortable walking shoes, trainers are probably best.
2. Bring a packed lunch and 2 bottles of water in a backpack.
3. Wear a hat and put on some sunscreen.
4. Bring your sponsorship form to school.
5. You are allowed to bring KD 1/2 to buy an ice-cream.
Let's hope we have a great time while helping a good cause.
Take care.
Ms. C x

Saturday, March 13, 2010


Notes from Abdullah B and Omar S
1.Don't forget to practise spelling, reading and all of your times tables.
2.Wear PE uniform on Monday and no changing clothes.
3.Complete maths problems by Thursday.
4. Collect sponsors for our Water Aid walk-a-thon.
This week and next you can ask family and friends if they will sponsor you to walk for WaterAid. The amount could be anything they choose. They need to write down their name and an amount.
Our walk is on the 25th of March.
When we have completed the walk the it is time to collect the monay and bring it into school.
Have a good week.

Sunday, March 7, 2010


Welcome back!
Only 4 more weeks till our next break but lots to do.
This week:
1. Read daily. You have a home reader but share our story about Basia with someone at home.
2. Practise your spelling words, impress someone at home with their meanings and try to use them in your own speech.
3. Solve your maths problems by Thursday.
4. Make sure you have all of the books you need at school for work.
5. Coin trail on Tuesday- keep collecting. You could stick them together at home like I showed you today at school.
6. Get to bed at a sensible time.
Ms. C