Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Comprehension 2
1. a chest full of treasure
2. a captain
3. the galley
4. biscuits and mango juice
5. put out more sail
6. a bottle with a message
7. on Dead Man's Island
8.Half a mark for each of the following:
fierce face/ big, black bushy beard/ one eye covered with a patch/golden earring dangled from each ear
9. Jim got out of bed so quickly because his father said if he didn't hurry Molly would have left him nothing for breakfast.
10. Cap'n Bluebeard wanted to make an early start because they were running out of food and he wanted to get to Jamaica to get some more.
11. Molly was quite pleased to go aloft because she thought they might get out of doing their lessons.
12. Half a mark for each of the following:
pirate arithmetic/pirate history/how to read charts/navigation
13. Molly and Jim got on with the sails because Cap'n Bluebeard said he would give them extra navigation homework if they didn't get a move on.
14. Cap'n Bluebeard decided to change cours because the message in the bottle was from someone who was shipwrecked on Dead Man's Island and needed help.
15. a. wake up/get moving
b. everyone must go up the masts
c. neat and tidy/organised
d. spread out
16. No marks for just 'Yes' or 'No', or ' I don't like stories about pirates'. UP to 5 marks for a reasons supported by parts of the story.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Answers to Comprehension 1- Mr. Majeika
1. in a bad temper
2. the new teacher hadn't arrived
3. nine o'clock
4. open the folding doors
5. magic carpet
6. his magic carpet took a wrong turn
7. a bicycle
8. because Pandora Green had been rude to her/ because she was frightened of Mr Majeika
9. push back the folding doors/ teach Class 2 and Class 3 together
10. Class 3 thought that Class 2 were 'just babies' and didn't want to share a lesson with them.
11.half mark for the following: quiteold/pointed beard/very bright eyes/wore glasses/his hair and clothes were wet/quite ordinary
12. Class Three had read Aladdin and 'all that sort of stuff ' so they knew a magic carpet when they saw one.
13. Mr. Potter was too busy trying to push back the folding doors.
14. The children were surprised/excited/amazed... perhaps a little frightened
15. a. find something to argue about/get into a fight
b. a lot of noise and confusion
c. accidently saying something you dean mean to say
16. Up to 5 marks for reasons supported by parts of the story.

Sunday, April 18, 2010


Thanks for all helping with our assembly last week. Well done to all.

Due to technical difficulties I've had to post your spelling words here, so here goes:

Term3 Week2 from our story 'Cheat!'

evidence bulky

cheerful dabbing

blurry battled

distant stunned

hunched congratulations

proudly managed

glanced tightly

clutched horribly

trudged warmth

nudged pride

Only 4 weeks till exams. Try your very best.
Ms. Constable x

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Hi All,

It is our assembly tomorrow morning. Make sure you keep practising your parts at home, including the poem. You can wear denim jeans (blue or black) and a black t-shirt (design on front is ok). Bring a pair of sunglasses for the final song and your best smile. Let's all try to work together and do a great job.

See you in the morning.

Don't be late!!!

Ms. C

Monday, April 5, 2010


Hi Everyone,

Hope you are enjoying your holidays, I am. Don't ask why I chose a running hamster to accompany this post , I thought he was cute. I know that I said I would post a poem or two on the blog for our assembly. It won't take you long to learn them in class but here is a head start for those of you who are keen.
No Time to Waste
What should we do with our rubbish?
The bottles and empty jars,
Newspapers and cardboard boxes,
Old tyres and rusty cars?
Perhaps we can recycle them,
It's easy as can be.
Just take the old things that you have,
And use them differently.
Banana skins and teabags,
Help the garden grow atreat,
And jam jars filled with nuts and bolts,
Will keep the tool shed neat.
Used clothes can still be handy,
Take a needle and a thread,
And from the different bits of cloth,
Make a quilt instead.
What should we do with our rubbish?
The bottles and empty jars,
Some say it's not their problem,
But in fact it's all of ours.
So get your recycling box ready
And fill it up with haste.
Save energy and use less trees
There is no time to waste!