Tuesday, November 17, 2009


WOW, what a great trip today!! Hope you all had fun. I'll try to post some pictures so you can download them at home if you want.
I hope noone is really sore after all that exercise!
Remember to tell you parents about Mufti Day on Thursday. You can wear your casual clothes if you donate KD 1/2 to Water Aid.
It's revision week next week. Notes will go home to your parents on Thursday outlining what we will be covering in the exams. No need to worry, just try your best.


  1. Dear Ms Constable,
    wear tomorrow any clothes you
    like and bring halfdinar for wateraid

    best wishes
    from Zainab

  2. Dear Mis.Contable,
    don't forget tomoro is mufty day,bring KD1/2 this is a raminder don't forget,where nice
    clous LOVE YOU FROM:DANA :]

  3. tomoro mufty day LOVE:NUJOOD

  4. these are some seriouse wow words.
    it took us quite some time to get the brains aroud them.
    thanks for everything

    Mrs. El-Sherbiny

  5. Dear Mrs. Constable,

    We had just reviewed 4C’s blog and we were extremely impressed on the idea. The blog is developing the student’s computer and English literacy. My daughter, Dana, enthusiastically reviews the comments daily and discusses it with the family.

    Your blog had inspired our family to look into creating one for ourselves. We look forward to read 4C’s future blogs.

    With Kind Regards,

    Al-Sabej family

    Hi Mrs. Constable, From Dana
    Bye Bye. Have a good weekend. :)

  6. Hi,Mrs Constable.How are you? Are you fine?

    Can you post the pictures of the class trip to the FLEX JYM?



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