Sunday, January 31, 2010

Saturday, January 30, 2010


Reminders from Abdullah B and Ahmed
1. Read your book and anything else you can find.
2. Practise your spelling.
3. Work out your math problems for Thursday.
4. Practise your nine times table.
5. Read imaginary stories to give you lots of ideas.

Thursday, January 28, 2010


Next week we will be starting storywriting, looking at imaginary worlds, settings and characters. In maths we will be continuing with comparing fractions and trying to work out fractions of quantities e.g: 3/4 of 48. We will start looking at decimals (tenths); writing, comparing, ordering and changing to fraction form e.g: 1/10 = 0.1
Have a good weekend and remember to look after our world!!
There's no-one else to do it, it's up to YOU and ME!!!!

Ms. Constable x

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


After mentioning that it was Australia Day today I have had 3 comments back with facts!! Thank you Zainab, Amir and Hanya. Well done on listening and taking the challenge.

Did you know???
1. A lot of people around the world think Sydney is the capital of Australia, but the capital is Canberra.
2.It is the sixth largest country in the world
3.Australia has the world's largest population of wild camels with one hump.
4.Australia is the driest inhabited continent on earth.
5.Jorn Utzon designed the Kuwait House of Parliment and the Sydney Opera House in Australia.
6.Platypuses are native to Australia alone.

Try this site and see if you want it added to our maths links:

Monday, January 25, 2010


Great trip today! I hope everyone goes home and talks to their parents or someone else about what we did and what we learnt about nutrition. REMEMBER to eat healthy snacks and that the top of the pyramid should be about two times a week in small portions (chips, chocolate, burgers, sweets...all of the bad stuff).
Send me a comment and tell me if you remember what the following do for your body:
1. bread, pasta, rice and cereal?
2. fruit and vegetables?
3. milk, yoghurt, meat and fish?

Try out the 2 new literacy links!!!

Brush those teeth, eat healthily and have a good sleep.

Ms. Constable xx

Sunday, January 24, 2010


Messages from Xeynab and Musheera

1.Remember your tie,jumper and shirt on Tuesday for photos.
2.Tomorrow, wear your P.E. clothes for the trip.
3.Do your homework.
4.Eat a good breakfast.
5.Cook with your parents to learn more math,English and science.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Hi Everyone.

As promised I will list some reminders for the tomorrow and next week.

1. Make sure you know you're spelling words for tomorrow's test. Can you use them properly when you speak?
2. Bring back your trip note tomorrow! It's the right price...FREE!!!
3. Give your parents the letter about class photos. If you want to buy the photos, return the slip with KD4 in a sealed envelope with your name and 4C on it. Make sure you ahve a tie for the photo.
4. Complete your maths work- Section 2 Test 1. Check for mistakes. If it was corrected in class, go over your mistakes....learn from them!
5. Remember to pack you food for tomorrow, 1st break. Try not to have anything that you need to throw away...carrots and cucumbers were suggested. Use reusable plastic containers if you need to.
6. Send me a comment to say you've had a look at some of the new links.
7. Think about the Sports Day badge competition. Ask others for ideas. Entries in next Wednesday after our art lesson.
8. READ! Find something fun, interesting, enjoyable....Ask questions and talk about what you have read.

I think that's it. Hmmm... I'm sure I've forgotten something.

IMPORTANT: Could Fawzi, Bader, Nujood, Amir, Hamad, Ali A and Moudawi search at home for their Essential Non-Fiction books... WE NEED THEM BACK!!

Take care
Love Ms. Constable

Sunday, January 17, 2010


Reminders from Musheera and Zainab
1. Do your homework.
2. Do not forget to bring your parent's evening letter tomorrow.
3. READ around six pages of 'Clean Planet'.
4. Remember to bring healthy snack on Thursday and try to pack it so you have no rubbish!!!!
5. Go to bed early.

Sunday, January 10, 2010



(Some tips from Dana and Zainab)
1. Dont throw rubbish on the floor.
2. Collect bottle tops and plastic bags and bring them to school.
3. Don't buy things that you don't need.
4. If you go on a picnic,or are driving in your car, don't throw rubbish on the floor, keep it with you until you see a bin.
5. Think about how you bring your food to school. Use plastic containers that you can reuse not something you have to throw out daily.
Zainab and Dana

Sunday, January 3, 2010


Hi Everyone,

Welcome back to school! Let's try to make Term 2 and Term 3 your best yet.

- Be organized with your books and bring your tools to work with with. (pencils...)
- Be on time to school in the morning.
- Listen well in class.
- Complete your work.
- Try not to be distracted by others.
- Eat healthy food.
- Get to sleep early.(No later than 8:30pm)
- Be kind to everyone.

Try YOUR best and your parents and I will be very proud of you.

Ms. Constable