Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Hi Everyone.

As promised I will list some reminders for the tomorrow and next week.

1. Make sure you know you're spelling words for tomorrow's test. Can you use them properly when you speak?
2. Bring back your trip note tomorrow! It's the right price...FREE!!!
3. Give your parents the letter about class photos. If you want to buy the photos, return the slip with KD4 in a sealed envelope with your name and 4C on it. Make sure you ahve a tie for the photo.
4. Complete your maths work- Section 2 Test 1. Check for mistakes. If it was corrected in class, go over your mistakes....learn from them!
5. Remember to pack you food for tomorrow, 1st break. Try not to have anything that you need to throw away...carrots and cucumbers were suggested. Use reusable plastic containers if you need to.
6. Send me a comment to say you've had a look at some of the new links.
7. Think about the Sports Day badge competition. Ask others for ideas. Entries in next Wednesday after our art lesson.
8. READ! Find something fun, interesting, enjoyable....Ask questions and talk about what you have read.

I think that's it. Hmmm... I'm sure I've forgotten something.

IMPORTANT: Could Fawzi, Bader, Nujood, Amir, Hamad, Ali A and Moudawi search at home for their Essential Non-Fiction books... WE NEED THEM BACK!!

Take care
Love Ms. Constable


  1. dear ms constable,
    no mistake good.
    i went into one site.
    best wishes from zainab

  2. Dear Ms Constable

    Today i went on websites on the blog.
    I also read the comments you wrote .
    Best Wishes

  3. Hi Mrs. Constable. How are you? I wish that you are fine. Thank you for those links that you have given me (Some links on the blog).But im sorry that today my mum and dad didnt come to the meating. Its just because they are bussy. SORRY THANKS IWISH YOU A GOOD DAY FROM LARA

  4. Hi Mrs. Constable how sre you i hop your fine from:dana.bye bye, good bye, ta ta for now.

  5. dear Mrs.Constable,
    i just wanted to see if you are fine.

    best wishes:xeynab


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