Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Have a great holiday!!!

Hi Everyone,
Here are a few sites you could have a look at if you get time.
Otherwise, have a great holiday and stay safe.
Take care.
Ms. Constable x

Monday, February 22, 2010


Hi All,
On Wednesday you are allowed to wear Kuwait national dress or Kuwaiti colours. We have one lesson of P.E, lesson 5. If you do not dress up just wear your P.E uniform, you can wear it all day.
Have a good night.
Ms. C

Sunday, February 21, 2010


Hi All,
Hope you aren't too tired from our day out today.
For homework tonight I would like you to TALK to your parents and tell them about your morning out. List 10 NOUNS (person/place/animal or thing) and describe them with an ADJECTIVE. Also, try to think of at least 5 things you did (VERBS) and how you did them (ADVERBS).
Happy chatting.
Ms. Constable

P.S: On Wednesday we are celebrating Kuwait's National Day by dressing up in Kuwait National Dress. If you do not wear the national dress you should wear your school uniform.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Tonight's homework
1. Check over your story and make some changes.
2. Check over your Schofield test 4.
3. Pack a healthy lunch, 2 bottles, a hat and some sunscreen for Sports Day tomorrow.

Link to story

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


1. How many bones in the adult skeleton?
2. Are bones hard or soft?
3. What is inside our bones?
4. What does it do?
5. Name the 2 bones that make up the skull.
6. What is another name for backbone?
7. What is the bone that runs down the middle of your ribs?
8. True or false. The skeleton gives you shape and helps protect your organs.
9. How many bones in the bottom part of your leg?
10. What is the longest bone in the body?
Send me the answers!!!!
Ms. Constable

Monday, February 15, 2010


Tonight's Homework
1. Spelling, reading and times tables (mixed)
2. Writing- gather at least 5 adjectives and adverbs that you could use in your scary house story plan. Remember that ADJECTIVES describe nouns( people,animals, places and things) and ADVERBS describe verbs(feelings you are having/ how you are speaking, how you do things)
3. You could do your TOPIC research(not due till next Monday)- gather 10 food items in tins/boxes and packets from the kitchen. Name, draw, list weight and country they were made in, in a table, in the TOPIC section of your blue book.
4. Return your trip slip if you have not already done so.
5. If you want to, go and have a look at the new science and topic links.
Have a good night
Ms. C x

Sunday, February 14, 2010


1. Your spelling list will be tested next Tuesday, 23rd February.
2. Make sure you know what each word means and how you can use it in a sentence.
3. Practise all of your tables - use to help.
4. Get your parents to sign your trip note for next Sunday and bring it back tomorrow.
5. Finish your maths homework and check it over. Play with empty containers at home to get an idea of capacity.
5. Sports Day on Thursday. Bring a healthy lunch and 2 water bottles. Wear a hat and put some sunscreen on. Remember it doesn't matter who wins just be a good sport and enjoy the day.
Ms. Constable ;)
P.S: What is the largest organ in the human body???

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Hi All,
Remember your homework tonight- Finish off your Metalmiss comprehension and check over your answers. Also, read through your spelling list and try a mixed times table test using
Tomorrow Year 6 are selling cakes for KD1/4 or KD 0.250 for WaterAid.
Remember to look at home for old books that you are not using. You could donate them to the book sale. Also, Year 4 are going to compete against each other to see which class can make the longest coin line in the hall on Tuesday, 9th March. Let's see if 4C can make the longest line!!!! Start collecting those coins (Kuwaiti).
Make sure you get to bed early tonight.
Ms. Constable x

Sunday, February 7, 2010


Some sites to help with measurement:

Please remember the following:
1.Book orders due by Wednesday, 10th Feb.
2.Tuesday- Pizza Day and Wednesday- Cake Sale
3.Thursday, February 18th Sports Day.
4.Check to see if you have any old books at home you'd like to donate to a book sale for Water Aid.
5. PLEASE! PLEASE!PLEASE! Check at home for our Literacy World, Fiction and Non Fiction anthologies.

Have a good week.
Ms. C


Homework- List 5 things that are longer than 1/4m and 5 things that are shorter than 1/4m. Remember that we worked out that 1/4m = 25cm

Friday, February 5, 2010


I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend.
Just a quick post to let you know we'll be continuing with decimals this week and looking at adverbs and adjectives that help give more detail and description to our writing.
If you click on this link it will take you to page filled with decimal activities but the one i want you to go over is the top one: Beginning Decimals (Marilyn Shaw) If it doesn't work when you click on it, copy and paste it into your address bar.

Have fun.
Ms. C x

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


Don't forget to do your homework tonight. You need to finish your maths problems, read your book(or any other)and make sure you know your spelling words.
If you haven't already, have a go at the new maths link.

Have a good night and get to bed early.

Ms. Constable

Monday, February 1, 2010

1st Feb, 2010

New fractions link to help you. Have fun posting!!!