Monday, February 15, 2010


Tonight's Homework
1. Spelling, reading and times tables (mixed)
2. Writing- gather at least 5 adjectives and adverbs that you could use in your scary house story plan. Remember that ADJECTIVES describe nouns( people,animals, places and things) and ADVERBS describe verbs(feelings you are having/ how you are speaking, how you do things)
3. You could do your TOPIC research(not due till next Monday)- gather 10 food items in tins/boxes and packets from the kitchen. Name, draw, list weight and country they were made in, in a table, in the TOPIC section of your blue book.
4. Return your trip slip if you have not already done so.
5. If you want to, go and have a look at the new science and topic links.
Have a good night
Ms. C x

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