Wednesday, May 12, 2010


English- review your tenses work from today. Try to make sure you write in the correct tense through your story to make it easy to read.


  • To make your story interesting, try to think of a great idea for your problem and ending.
  • Describe the setting, tell us why the character is where they are and describe them. (Don't over do it though) Tell us more about them through the story.
  • Show off punctuation and WOW words that you know how to use.
  • Read every sentence after you've written it to make sure it makes sense.
  • Use connectives to make longer sentences ( but, so, because, while, although ...)
  • Use time connectives to show time is moving through the story (after that, the following day, next morning, after half an hour, a minute later...)
  • CHECK as you go and when you finish, don't give point away for careless punctuation and grammar mistakes.

If you have time click on this link. Print the story and listen to it online. Look at how the author has written the story. Highlight what she has included from the tips above:

If you have time check over you WIGAN block 3 test.

Make sure you get to bed early for a good nights sleep. Also, eat breakfast before you come to school so you can concentrate.

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