Sunday, January 3, 2010


Hi Everyone,

Welcome back to school! Let's try to make Term 2 and Term 3 your best yet.

- Be organized with your books and bring your tools to work with with. (pencils...)
- Be on time to school in the morning.
- Listen well in class.
- Complete your work.
- Try not to be distracted by others.
- Eat healthy food.
- Get to sleep early.(No later than 8:30pm)
- Be kind to everyone.

Try YOUR best and your parents and I will be very proud of you.

Ms. Constable

1 comment:

  1. Hi! Mrs Constable . How are you?Are you fine? I wish that you are fine. Thank you for every thing you have done to me . THANK YOU I WISH YOU A GOOOOOOOD DAY!!!!!!!!! BEST WISHES FROM LARA


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