Sunday, May 16, 2010


Hi All,
Tonight you should review your last 2 maths tests.
Almost there.
Ms. Constable

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


English- review your tenses work from today. Try to make sure you write in the correct tense through your story to make it easy to read.


  • To make your story interesting, try to think of a great idea for your problem and ending.
  • Describe the setting, tell us why the character is where they are and describe them. (Don't over do it though) Tell us more about them through the story.
  • Show off punctuation and WOW words that you know how to use.
  • Read every sentence after you've written it to make sure it makes sense.
  • Use connectives to make longer sentences ( but, so, because, while, although ...)
  • Use time connectives to show time is moving through the story (after that, the following day, next morning, after half an hour, a minute later...)
  • CHECK as you go and when you finish, don't give point away for careless punctuation and grammar mistakes.

If you have time click on this link. Print the story and listen to it online. Look at how the author has written the story. Highlight what she has included from the tips above:

If you have time check over you WIGAN block 3 test.

Make sure you get to bed early for a good nights sleep. Also, eat breakfast before you come to school so you can concentrate.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Writing- review sentence work completed in class today.
How could you improve it?
Are your connectives correct?
Number 5- Proofread and try to find and change any mistakes. Read what you have written to someone at home. Try and write another version with them.
Maths- review test 4.
Parents, please read to your children too.

Monday, May 10, 2010


Tonight's revision
English- visit this link for comprehension exercises
Maths- complete Schofield test 3
Try to get into the habit of checking your work when you finish.
Remember, when you are reading the comprehension exercises you are also getting loads of ideas and seeing English written in its correct form.
How does the author use punctuation?
What WOW words do they use?
What was the issue/problem/event ?
How did they finish their story?

Sunday, May 9, 2010


Tonight you should look over the story you wrote today.
Did you:
  1. know when to use fullstops to make sentences?
  2. show off different ways you can use commas?
  3. describe or give details about your main character?
  4. use at least 3 adverbs and several adjectives?
  5. develop the beginning and explain why the character was there?
  6. make sure something happened next?
  7. write short and long sentences?
  8. finish off your story properly?
  9. check your spelling?
  10. write neatly?

Maths- review sheet 3. We will correct it tomorrow morning.

Not long now. Try your best.

Ms. Constable

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Comprehension- Test 3
1. a spaceship
2. untidy
3. five years older than Danny
4. Making models
5. a dog
6. it was her birthday
7. a kiln
8. Danny was untidy and only good at making models. Jessica was good at reading, came top in exams and won prizes. Jessica's mum thought she was 'perfect'.
9. Danny couldn't remember his dad because he had left when Danny was little and now lives in Australia.
10. Danny's mum thought his models were rubbish and kept throwing them away when she was tidying.
11. Danny didn't want to admit that he had no money for Gran's present beacuse it would give his mum the opportunity to start saying he was hopeless with his money, just like his dad.
12. Danny couldn't ask his mum for help with his present because he didn't know what he was going to make and Jessica would be horrible to him about it.
13. Danny had forgotten it was Gran's birthday and that they were doing a special project at school.
14. The answer should indicate that the child had realised that Danny can give Gran his clay model as a birthday present.
15.a not well/organised/ don't do anything with time to spare
b. Gran didn't tell him off
c. He didn't want to give her the chance to complain about him again.
d. unhappy/ not cheerful
15. No marks for just yes and no, or 'i don't like stories about boys'...
Up to 5 marks given for reasons supported by parts of the story.

Sunday, May 2, 2010


READ! READ! READ! Reading will give you lots of ideas to use in you stories.
  1. How to use puncuation.
  2. How to use different sentence openers.
  3. How to use interesting connectives.
  4. How to use a wide range od vocabulary -nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs...

Not to mention ideas for settings, characters, problems and solutions.

Always try your best.

Ms.Constable x

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Comprehension 2
1. a chest full of treasure
2. a captain
3. the galley
4. biscuits and mango juice
5. put out more sail
6. a bottle with a message
7. on Dead Man's Island
8.Half a mark for each of the following:
fierce face/ big, black bushy beard/ one eye covered with a patch/golden earring dangled from each ear
9. Jim got out of bed so quickly because his father said if he didn't hurry Molly would have left him nothing for breakfast.
10. Cap'n Bluebeard wanted to make an early start because they were running out of food and he wanted to get to Jamaica to get some more.
11. Molly was quite pleased to go aloft because she thought they might get out of doing their lessons.
12. Half a mark for each of the following:
pirate arithmetic/pirate history/how to read charts/navigation
13. Molly and Jim got on with the sails because Cap'n Bluebeard said he would give them extra navigation homework if they didn't get a move on.
14. Cap'n Bluebeard decided to change cours because the message in the bottle was from someone who was shipwrecked on Dead Man's Island and needed help.
15. a. wake up/get moving
b. everyone must go up the masts
c. neat and tidy/organised
d. spread out
16. No marks for just 'Yes' or 'No', or ' I don't like stories about pirates'. UP to 5 marks for a reasons supported by parts of the story.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Answers to Comprehension 1- Mr. Majeika
1. in a bad temper
2. the new teacher hadn't arrived
3. nine o'clock
4. open the folding doors
5. magic carpet
6. his magic carpet took a wrong turn
7. a bicycle
8. because Pandora Green had been rude to her/ because she was frightened of Mr Majeika
9. push back the folding doors/ teach Class 2 and Class 3 together
10. Class 3 thought that Class 2 were 'just babies' and didn't want to share a lesson with them.
11.half mark for the following: quiteold/pointed beard/very bright eyes/wore glasses/his hair and clothes were wet/quite ordinary
12. Class Three had read Aladdin and 'all that sort of stuff ' so they knew a magic carpet when they saw one.
13. Mr. Potter was too busy trying to push back the folding doors.
14. The children were surprised/excited/amazed... perhaps a little frightened
15. a. find something to argue about/get into a fight
b. a lot of noise and confusion
c. accidently saying something you dean mean to say
16. Up to 5 marks for reasons supported by parts of the story.

Sunday, April 18, 2010


Thanks for all helping with our assembly last week. Well done to all.

Due to technical difficulties I've had to post your spelling words here, so here goes:

Term3 Week2 from our story 'Cheat!'

evidence bulky

cheerful dabbing

blurry battled

distant stunned

hunched congratulations

proudly managed

glanced tightly

clutched horribly

trudged warmth

nudged pride

Only 4 weeks till exams. Try your very best.
Ms. Constable x

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Hi All,

It is our assembly tomorrow morning. Make sure you keep practising your parts at home, including the poem. You can wear denim jeans (blue or black) and a black t-shirt (design on front is ok). Bring a pair of sunglasses for the final song and your best smile. Let's all try to work together and do a great job.

See you in the morning.

Don't be late!!!

Ms. C

Monday, April 5, 2010


Hi Everyone,

Hope you are enjoying your holidays, I am. Don't ask why I chose a running hamster to accompany this post , I thought he was cute. I know that I said I would post a poem or two on the blog for our assembly. It won't take you long to learn them in class but here is a head start for those of you who are keen.
No Time to Waste
What should we do with our rubbish?
The bottles and empty jars,
Newspapers and cardboard boxes,
Old tyres and rusty cars?
Perhaps we can recycle them,
It's easy as can be.
Just take the old things that you have,
And use them differently.
Banana skins and teabags,
Help the garden grow atreat,
And jam jars filled with nuts and bolts,
Will keep the tool shed neat.
Used clothes can still be handy,
Take a needle and a thread,
And from the different bits of cloth,
Make a quilt instead.
What should we do with our rubbish?
The bottles and empty jars,
Some say it's not their problem,
But in fact it's all of ours.
So get your recycling box ready
And fill it up with haste.
Save energy and use less trees
There is no time to waste!

Thursday, March 25, 2010


Well done to everyone for participating in our Year 4 walk-a-thon today. I hope you had a good time helping WaterAid.
It was great to see Mishref Park looking a bit tidier. I hope the cleaners there have been paid now. Thank you all for being thoughtful about where you put your own rubbish by using the bags and bins in the area.
Remember it's time to collect your sponsorship money now, show your sponsors your certificate to prove you've completed the walk.
Have a great weekend.
Love Ms. Constable

Monday, March 22, 2010


Hi Everyone,
Hope you are all practising hard for you Arabic and Islamic tests, I hope you do well in them.
Remember you have until Thursday morning to gather sponsors for the walk-a-thon.
On Thursday please do the following:
1. Wear your P.E uniform and comfortable walking shoes, trainers are probably best.
2. Bring a packed lunch and 2 bottles of water in a backpack.
3. Wear a hat and put on some sunscreen.
4. Bring your sponsorship form to school.
5. You are allowed to bring KD 1/2 to buy an ice-cream.
Let's hope we have a great time while helping a good cause.
Take care.
Ms. C x

Saturday, March 13, 2010


Notes from Abdullah B and Omar S
1.Don't forget to practise spelling, reading and all of your times tables.
2.Wear PE uniform on Monday and no changing clothes.
3.Complete maths problems by Thursday.
4. Collect sponsors for our Water Aid walk-a-thon.
This week and next you can ask family and friends if they will sponsor you to walk for WaterAid. The amount could be anything they choose. They need to write down their name and an amount.
Our walk is on the 25th of March.
When we have completed the walk the it is time to collect the monay and bring it into school.
Have a good week.

Sunday, March 7, 2010


Welcome back!
Only 4 more weeks till our next break but lots to do.
This week:
1. Read daily. You have a home reader but share our story about Basia with someone at home.
2. Practise your spelling words, impress someone at home with their meanings and try to use them in your own speech.
3. Solve your maths problems by Thursday.
4. Make sure you have all of the books you need at school for work.
5. Coin trail on Tuesday- keep collecting. You could stick them together at home like I showed you today at school.
6. Get to bed at a sensible time.
Ms. C

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Have a great holiday!!!

Hi Everyone,
Here are a few sites you could have a look at if you get time.
Otherwise, have a great holiday and stay safe.
Take care.
Ms. Constable x

Monday, February 22, 2010


Hi All,
On Wednesday you are allowed to wear Kuwait national dress or Kuwaiti colours. We have one lesson of P.E, lesson 5. If you do not dress up just wear your P.E uniform, you can wear it all day.
Have a good night.
Ms. C

Sunday, February 21, 2010


Hi All,
Hope you aren't too tired from our day out today.
For homework tonight I would like you to TALK to your parents and tell them about your morning out. List 10 NOUNS (person/place/animal or thing) and describe them with an ADJECTIVE. Also, try to think of at least 5 things you did (VERBS) and how you did them (ADVERBS).
Happy chatting.
Ms. Constable

P.S: On Wednesday we are celebrating Kuwait's National Day by dressing up in Kuwait National Dress. If you do not wear the national dress you should wear your school uniform.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Tonight's homework
1. Check over your story and make some changes.
2. Check over your Schofield test 4.
3. Pack a healthy lunch, 2 bottles, a hat and some sunscreen for Sports Day tomorrow.

Link to story

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


1. How many bones in the adult skeleton?
2. Are bones hard or soft?
3. What is inside our bones?
4. What does it do?
5. Name the 2 bones that make up the skull.
6. What is another name for backbone?
7. What is the bone that runs down the middle of your ribs?
8. True or false. The skeleton gives you shape and helps protect your organs.
9. How many bones in the bottom part of your leg?
10. What is the longest bone in the body?
Send me the answers!!!!
Ms. Constable

Monday, February 15, 2010


Tonight's Homework
1. Spelling, reading and times tables (mixed)
2. Writing- gather at least 5 adjectives and adverbs that you could use in your scary house story plan. Remember that ADJECTIVES describe nouns( people,animals, places and things) and ADVERBS describe verbs(feelings you are having/ how you are speaking, how you do things)
3. You could do your TOPIC research(not due till next Monday)- gather 10 food items in tins/boxes and packets from the kitchen. Name, draw, list weight and country they were made in, in a table, in the TOPIC section of your blue book.
4. Return your trip slip if you have not already done so.
5. If you want to, go and have a look at the new science and topic links.
Have a good night
Ms. C x

Sunday, February 14, 2010


1. Your spelling list will be tested next Tuesday, 23rd February.
2. Make sure you know what each word means and how you can use it in a sentence.
3. Practise all of your tables - use to help.
4. Get your parents to sign your trip note for next Sunday and bring it back tomorrow.
5. Finish your maths homework and check it over. Play with empty containers at home to get an idea of capacity.
5. Sports Day on Thursday. Bring a healthy lunch and 2 water bottles. Wear a hat and put some sunscreen on. Remember it doesn't matter who wins just be a good sport and enjoy the day.
Ms. Constable ;)
P.S: What is the largest organ in the human body???

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Hi All,
Remember your homework tonight- Finish off your Metalmiss comprehension and check over your answers. Also, read through your spelling list and try a mixed times table test using
Tomorrow Year 6 are selling cakes for KD1/4 or KD 0.250 for WaterAid.
Remember to look at home for old books that you are not using. You could donate them to the book sale. Also, Year 4 are going to compete against each other to see which class can make the longest coin line in the hall on Tuesday, 9th March. Let's see if 4C can make the longest line!!!! Start collecting those coins (Kuwaiti).
Make sure you get to bed early tonight.
Ms. Constable x

Sunday, February 7, 2010


Some sites to help with measurement:

Please remember the following:
1.Book orders due by Wednesday, 10th Feb.
2.Tuesday- Pizza Day and Wednesday- Cake Sale
3.Thursday, February 18th Sports Day.
4.Check to see if you have any old books at home you'd like to donate to a book sale for Water Aid.
5. PLEASE! PLEASE!PLEASE! Check at home for our Literacy World, Fiction and Non Fiction anthologies.

Have a good week.
Ms. C


Homework- List 5 things that are longer than 1/4m and 5 things that are shorter than 1/4m. Remember that we worked out that 1/4m = 25cm

Friday, February 5, 2010


I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend.
Just a quick post to let you know we'll be continuing with decimals this week and looking at adverbs and adjectives that help give more detail and description to our writing.
If you click on this link it will take you to page filled with decimal activities but the one i want you to go over is the top one: Beginning Decimals (Marilyn Shaw) If it doesn't work when you click on it, copy and paste it into your address bar.

Have fun.
Ms. C x

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


Don't forget to do your homework tonight. You need to finish your maths problems, read your book(or any other)and make sure you know your spelling words.
If you haven't already, have a go at the new maths link.

Have a good night and get to bed early.

Ms. Constable

Monday, February 1, 2010

1st Feb, 2010

New fractions link to help you. Have fun posting!!!

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Saturday, January 30, 2010


Reminders from Abdullah B and Ahmed
1. Read your book and anything else you can find.
2. Practise your spelling.
3. Work out your math problems for Thursday.
4. Practise your nine times table.
5. Read imaginary stories to give you lots of ideas.

Thursday, January 28, 2010


Next week we will be starting storywriting, looking at imaginary worlds, settings and characters. In maths we will be continuing with comparing fractions and trying to work out fractions of quantities e.g: 3/4 of 48. We will start looking at decimals (tenths); writing, comparing, ordering and changing to fraction form e.g: 1/10 = 0.1
Have a good weekend and remember to look after our world!!
There's no-one else to do it, it's up to YOU and ME!!!!

Ms. Constable x

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


After mentioning that it was Australia Day today I have had 3 comments back with facts!! Thank you Zainab, Amir and Hanya. Well done on listening and taking the challenge.

Did you know???
1. A lot of people around the world think Sydney is the capital of Australia, but the capital is Canberra.
2.It is the sixth largest country in the world
3.Australia has the world's largest population of wild camels with one hump.
4.Australia is the driest inhabited continent on earth.
5.Jorn Utzon designed the Kuwait House of Parliment and the Sydney Opera House in Australia.
6.Platypuses are native to Australia alone.

Try this site and see if you want it added to our maths links:

Monday, January 25, 2010


Great trip today! I hope everyone goes home and talks to their parents or someone else about what we did and what we learnt about nutrition. REMEMBER to eat healthy snacks and that the top of the pyramid should be about two times a week in small portions (chips, chocolate, burgers, sweets...all of the bad stuff).
Send me a comment and tell me if you remember what the following do for your body:
1. bread, pasta, rice and cereal?
2. fruit and vegetables?
3. milk, yoghurt, meat and fish?

Try out the 2 new literacy links!!!

Brush those teeth, eat healthily and have a good sleep.

Ms. Constable xx

Sunday, January 24, 2010


Messages from Xeynab and Musheera

1.Remember your tie,jumper and shirt on Tuesday for photos.
2.Tomorrow, wear your P.E. clothes for the trip.
3.Do your homework.
4.Eat a good breakfast.
5.Cook with your parents to learn more math,English and science.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Hi Everyone.

As promised I will list some reminders for the tomorrow and next week.

1. Make sure you know you're spelling words for tomorrow's test. Can you use them properly when you speak?
2. Bring back your trip note tomorrow! It's the right price...FREE!!!
3. Give your parents the letter about class photos. If you want to buy the photos, return the slip with KD4 in a sealed envelope with your name and 4C on it. Make sure you ahve a tie for the photo.
4. Complete your maths work- Section 2 Test 1. Check for mistakes. If it was corrected in class, go over your mistakes....learn from them!
5. Remember to pack you food for tomorrow, 1st break. Try not to have anything that you need to throw away...carrots and cucumbers were suggested. Use reusable plastic containers if you need to.
6. Send me a comment to say you've had a look at some of the new links.
7. Think about the Sports Day badge competition. Ask others for ideas. Entries in next Wednesday after our art lesson.
8. READ! Find something fun, interesting, enjoyable....Ask questions and talk about what you have read.

I think that's it. Hmmm... I'm sure I've forgotten something.

IMPORTANT: Could Fawzi, Bader, Nujood, Amir, Hamad, Ali A and Moudawi search at home for their Essential Non-Fiction books... WE NEED THEM BACK!!

Take care
Love Ms. Constable

Sunday, January 17, 2010


Reminders from Musheera and Zainab
1. Do your homework.
2. Do not forget to bring your parent's evening letter tomorrow.
3. READ around six pages of 'Clean Planet'.
4. Remember to bring healthy snack on Thursday and try to pack it so you have no rubbish!!!!
5. Go to bed early.

Sunday, January 10, 2010



(Some tips from Dana and Zainab)
1. Dont throw rubbish on the floor.
2. Collect bottle tops and plastic bags and bring them to school.
3. Don't buy things that you don't need.
4. If you go on a picnic,or are driving in your car, don't throw rubbish on the floor, keep it with you until you see a bin.
5. Think about how you bring your food to school. Use plastic containers that you can reuse not something you have to throw out daily.
Zainab and Dana

Sunday, January 3, 2010


Hi Everyone,

Welcome back to school! Let's try to make Term 2 and Term 3 your best yet.

- Be organized with your books and bring your tools to work with with. (pencils...)
- Be on time to school in the morning.
- Listen well in class.
- Complete your work.
- Try not to be distracted by others.
- Eat healthy food.
- Get to sleep early.(No later than 8:30pm)
- Be kind to everyone.

Try YOUR best and your parents and I will be very proud of you.

Ms. Constable